Create an environment based on the Mozilla Hub, giving students the freedom to introduce their own ideas, which requires creating objects in-class through 3D modeling (Blender). Then introduce peers who explored and collaborated on ideas to develop a final version.

Solution: This is a whole new world of knowledge that gave me many challenges, such as modeling small architecture and objects, which included sculpture techniques in Blender. I successfully completed my work by devoting time to building objects in class and online. In this environment, the whole idea was to create a small exhibition that was well-arranged to create a museum atmosphere. Additionally, they discovered how to use the Mozilla hub with some prepared scenery, sounds, and lighting. Also, it's important to know how to import the format for the 3D object correctly if you want everything to go smoothly. I was happy with this project

My mini museum

Medium: Blender, Mozilla Hub

Size: 1920 x 1080


Ready, Set, Drift - Game Design


Equality calls - Gregory Johnson Jr. - Sculpture