Simplest form, some sort of Mozilla Hub or New Art endeavor.

Objectives: To raise awareness of the absurd war that forced people to leave their homes and relocate.

  • 3D modeling (location)-->Blender/ plaster

  • Video footage of the collected interview

  • Audio editing (recording from a real variety of witnesses)

  • Picture frames as a visual aid

Vietnamese "boat people"

War never helps people. It makes people grieve for their loved ones. People leave their country to avoid political trauma, which has occurred throughout history.

Before 1975, Vietnamese immigrants forced to leave their nation were termed "Boat People." Many people died during an evacuation, and it's scary that it's never forgotten; little Vietnamese communities across the U.S. remember that day.

I aim to form a wood trunk using wire mesh and plaster for the exhibition. I sculpted the surface and used acrylic to approximate the wood hue. It'll be a room centerpiece. Video will be projected into the tree trunk to communicate their uprooted feelings. The audience hears the genuine uprooting factors. Engage viewers by suggesting they fold origami paper boats to tribute migrants who died. In a virtual show, I'd design 3D-modeled wood trunks and origami boats that float against monstrous waves or fight for a spot. I hope to explain how terrible it was for "boat people" to leave their nation to find happiness and success elsewhere.

This idea will be realized in a small gallery. Some graphics, such as origami boats with LED lights, express the vision and mourn the "boat people" who died. A visual "wood trunk" with exposed roots suggests "uprooting" for a better life, as the Vietnamese do. Finally, the runaway film was projected into space to strengthen the memory. I ambitiously hybridized this project. I may need help developing an exhibition idea.

Virtual demonstration

To visualize the project, some significant elements were input into an environment to make sense of the installation and provide a rationale for how the BFA final show will work.


Saving planet